Secrets of the Superhuman Food Pyramid: Negative Effects of Fava Beans

Fava beans, also known as broad beans, are native to the North African and South Asian regions. They’ve been part of the Mediterranean and Asian diet since ancient times along with other legumes like lentils and peas. Fava beans are boiled, stir-fried, roasted, soaked and prepared in a multitude of traditional dishes from Greece to Nepal.

This really isn’t surprising as these beans offer a lot of proteins and minerals. For example, a hundred gram serving of fava beans contains 26 grams of proteins. The same serving can also provide 50% of your body’s daily need for iron and magnesium.

Unfortunately, some individuals with a particular genetic deficiency and those taking a certain type of medication will not be able to take advantage of this nutritious legume. Read on to discover the negative effects of fava beans (and be sure to also check out recommended soak times for beans, grains, legumes, nuts and rice). Continue reading