Secrets of the Superhuman Food Pyramid: Pros and Cons of Grapes

Grapes have long been a part of the human diet. The fruit has been cultivated for at least as long as it has been fermented and turned into wine which is a practice that goes back 8,000 years.

Currently around 75,800 square kilometers of land from around globe is being used to cultivate this fruit. About 71% of production is for wine grapes, 27% for table grapes and 2% for dried fruit. This clearly shows the commercial importance of this fruit.

The nutritional profile of grapes has received much attention from researchers. Various phytonutrients from the common beta-carotene to less frequently occurring substances like resveratrol have been identified. The health benefits of the latter have been the focus of recent studies regarding the fruit.

Along with the benefits, some health risks also need to be considered in order to effectively take advantage of what the fruit has to offer. Continue reading and find out the pros and cons of grapes. Continue reading