Secrets of the Superhuman Food Pyramid: Pros and Cons of Kefir

Kefir is a fermented drink made from the milk of cows, goats, or sheep. It is made by placing the liquid of choice in a non-reactive and acid-proof container, and then directly added with kefir grains, called as such because of their characteristic granulated appearance. The kefir grains, which comprise of a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast, will be agitated in the container twice a day to ensure even exposure to the symbiotic colony so as to produce a creamier drink. After the fermentation process, which usually lasts for 24 hours, the kefir grains are taken out by straining. These can be frozen and used as a starter for subsequent kefir production. The fermented drink can then be consumed as a beverage or as an ingredient in a variety of recipes.

No doubt a healthy drink, moderate consumption of kefir is recommended for a number of reasons.

Read further and discover more about the pros and cons of kefir and why the Superhuman Food Pyramid recommends moderate consumption of this source of hydration to help in your quest to Become Superhuman.

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Secrets of the Superhuman Food Pyramid: Pros and Cons of Raw, Grass-Fed Cow or Goat’s Milk

More and more consumers now seek out raw, grass-fed cow or goat’s milk. Bottled and cooled without going through homogenization and pasteurization, raw milk offers an array of benefits to health. However, one important consideration should be taken into account to ensure that you get to maximize the wholesome goodness that raw, grass-fed cow or goat’s milk has to offer.

Read further and discover more about the pros and cons of raw, grass-fed cow or goat’s milk and why the Superhuman Food Pyramid recommends moderate consumption of this source of hydration to help in your quest to Become Superhuman.

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Secrets of the Superhuman Food Pyramid: Pros and Cons of Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is the thick white liquid extracted from mature coconut meat. Known for its characteristic creamy texture and sweet taste, coconut milk has gained popularity as a wholesome drink among health enthusiasts. Undoubtedly possessing an array of benefits, coconut milk should still be consumed on a moderate basis for a number of considerations.

Read further and discover more about the pros and cons of coconut milk and why the Superhuman Food Pyramid recommends moderate consumption of this source of hydration to help in your quest to Become Superhuman. Continue reading

Secrets of the Superhuman Food Pyramid: Pros and Cons of Non-Caffeinated Teas

Non-caffeinated teas have long been considered by health enthusiasts as a wholesome alternative to drinks loaded with harmful sweeteners like processed sugar, high fructose corn syrup, sucralose, aspartame or acesulfame. Processed in a variety of methods to remove most of the caffeine content, non-caffeinated teas indeed offer an array of health benefits. But while this is the case, non-caffeinated teas should only be consumed moderately for a number of reasons.

Read further and discover more about the pros and cons of non-caffeinated teas and why the Superhuman Food Pyramid recommends moderate consumption of this source of hydration to help in your quest to Become Superhuman.

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Secrets of the Superhuman Food Pyramid: Benefits of Green Drinks or Powders

Green drinks or powders, just as the name implies, are food supplements made from a concentration or a combination of greens like spinach or kale, or edible marine plants like seaweed. Coming in convenient prepared form, it’s then very easy to integrate green drinks or powders into your diet to maximize their healthful goodness.

Read further and discover more about the benefits of green drinks or powders and why the Superhuman Food Pyramid recommends you include this source of hydration to help in your quest to Become Superhuman.

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Secrets of the Superhuman Food Pyramid: Benefits of Kombucha

Kombucha is a sweetened black tea drink that’s been fermented with the use of a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast. This fermented drink’s origin can be traced back to Northeast China. Kombucha consumption then spread northwest to Russia in the early 1900s, and to Europe and the rest of the world from there. Known for its characteristic taste, kombucha is also touted for its manifold health benefits.

Read further and discover more about the benefits of kombucha and why the Superhuman Food Pyramid recommends you include this source of hydration to help in your quest to Become Superhuman.

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Secrets of the Superhuman Food Pyramid: Benefits of Coconut Water

Coconut water is undoubtedly one of nature’s most invigorating drinks. A clear liquid with a characteristic sweet and slightly salty taste, coconut water has become one of the more favored drinks by consumers out there. Touted for its superb hydrating properties, coconut water offers an array of other health benefits as well.

Read further and discover more about the benefits of coconut water and why the Superhuman Food Pyramid recommends that you include this source of hydration for your quest to Become Superhuman.

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Secrets of the Superhuman Food Pyramid: Benefits of Soda Water

Soda water is water into which low levels of pressurized carbon dioxide has been dissolved. Soda water has long been considered a wholesome alternative to regular water. Soda water has that characteristic fizz and slightly sour flavor which is why it is preferred by those who dislike the flat taste of plain still water. And aside from it being a zero-calorie drink, soda water offers a handful of other health benefits as well.

Read further and discover more about the benefits of soda water and why the Superhuman Food Pyramid recommends you include this source of hydration to help in your quest to Become Superhuman.

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Secrets of the Superhuman Food Pyramid: Benefits of Filtered Water

Welcome to the drinks section of the Superhuman Food Pyramid. In this series, we will explore the variety of drinks available to us, as well as their effect on our health. Today’s article will focus on the wholesome benefits of filtered water and some recommendations on how to maximize its use.

You probably are already aware that your body is made up chiefly of water. It goes without saying that the quality of water you consume on a regular basis has a profound impact on your overall health and wellness. Filtered water, just as its name implies, is water that’s been subjected through a variety of water filtration media for purposes of decontamination. Filtered water isn’t only free of contaminants, like sediments and potentially pathogenic microorganisms, but it is also devoid of noxious metals and chemicals that are commonly found in tap water, and even in some bottled water brands.

Read further and discover more about the benefits of filtered water and why the Superhuman Food Pyramid recommends it to help in your quest to Become Superhuman.

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