You know the type of holiday you’ve been dreaming about for years, THE trip. You are looking forward to the trip and all the fun, great food, and new experiences! You aren’t looking forward to sticking to your regular diet & training plan while travelling. You want a break! But you also want to stay in shape while traveling. Follow these 11 tips to stay in shape during your next holiday.
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Are your skincare products perfecting or poisoning you?
Your skin absorbs more than 75% of the skincare products you use. If you apply lotion on your skin, anything and everything in the lotion can get absorbed right into your bloodstream. The ingredients will circulate throughout your body many times before they are filtered out by the liver, IF they are filtered out. All those ingredients you can’t pronounce – keep reading to learn why the ingredients you put on your skin may be hindering your fat loss and athletic performance, or even poisoning you. Continue reading
Strength Training For Endurance Athletes
If you are like most endurance athletes, you are probably not doing much or any strength training.
As an endurance athlete, I understand that you would rather be out running or cycling then lifting weights in the gym. It has also been my experience, over 20 years as a Sports Chiropractor and over 12 years as a coach, that many endurance athletes are not exactly sure about what type of strength training they should be doing.
Of course there are thousands of different types of exercises, repetition and set variations which is why I also suggest working with a coach so you will know what is best for you.
However, the workouts below are a great place to start. These sessions are short but very effective and you will get the most “bang for your buck” so that you can get your strength training in and still have time to go for your runs or rides.
So, let’s get right to it. In order to make strength gains, you are going to lift three times a week. Once you have gained strength, you can back off to once a week to maintain those gains. This program below would be great to do in the off-season or in the early-in-your-build season.
You are going to do a combination of heavy lifts and high intensity body weight exercises and you are going to do them three day a week with one day of rest in between.
On the heavy lifts we are going to do what is called Strong Lifts 5×5. You do 5 sets of 5 reps, The key here is to lift HEAVY. If you can do 5 sets of 5 reps at a specific weight, increase the weight the next time you do the workout. If you can not do 5 sets of 5 reps., keep the weight the same until you can do 5 sets of 5 reps. Rest 1 to 2 minutes between sets.
For example: On set 1 you do 5 reps, set 2, 5 reps, set 3, 5 reps, but on set 4 you can only do 3 reps and on set 5 you can only do 1 rep. Keep the weight the same until you can complete 5 sets of 5 reps.
Please make sure you have someone who is experienced with these exercises show you the proper form. You are lifting heavy and we don’t want you to get hurt. Also, if you have any injuries make sure you talk with your sports chiropractor or physical therapist before trying these exercises.
Workout 1)
Heavy Lifts: 5 sets of 5 reps.
Dumbbell chest press
Dumbbell overhead press
Dumbbell chest press
Dumbbell overhead press
High Intensity Body Weight Exercises: 20 seconds of exercise, 10 seconds rest, repeat 10 times.
Workout 2)
Heavy Lifts: 5 sets of 5 reps.
Lat pull downs or lat rows
High Intensity Body Weight Exercises: 20 seconds of exercise, 10 seconds rest, repeat 10 times.
Barbell Torque
Lat pull down
Barbell Torque
Workout 3 is the same as workout 1.
Heavy Lifts: 5 sets of 5 reps
Dumbbell Chest press
Dumbbell overhead press
High Intensity Body Weight Exercises: 20 seconds of exercise, 10 seconds rest, repeat 10 times.
Dumbbell chest press
Dumbbell overhead press
Kettlebell swings
There it is, a short but very effective strength program. Give it a try for a few months, then comeback and post you experience with the program.
In the Footsteps of Greatness
Have you ever felt like a quitter? Do you ever feel stuck in your current situation and not quite know how to get out of it? Do you sometimes feel, deep down, like you’re destined for more?
“Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.” Marianne Williamson
Those words have always resonated with the softly strumming chords of my soul. It is so much easier for me to be not quite good enough and to remain wrapped in the snug cloak of angst. My life was littered with the wreckage of self-imposed roadblocks. But I didn’t want to be that man anymore, and I could see my light shining up ahead, just waiting for me to step into it. I realized that I had just arrived at the moment this trip was designed to create.
Last year I ran the John Muir Trail, 223 miles from Yosemite Valley to the top of 14,505’ Mt. Whitney, through some of the most treacherous and beautiful terrain in the world. The journey was so epic, and I traveled so far (literally and figuratively) that I decided to write a book about it – which not surprisingly, also happened to be a fantastic learning experience. Something about the audacious nature of both goals seems to speak to some primordial part of people that urges them to dream bigger and stretch farther, and because of this I field questions all day long. What motivated me to run that far? How did I deal with being alone for that long? Didn’t it hurt? And perhaps my favorite question (because it really makes me step back and evaluate all the other questions) – What was my favorite part?
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How To PR Your Next Race By Training Less
This article is for all you long distance marathon and Ironman athletes out there who are logging endless miles. I am going to tell you how you can actually get faster by training less.
Before we get into how we are going to make you faster by training less, we need to talk about why we slowdown in the first place. So, let me ask you – why do you slow down in an event? Are you slowing down because of you’re out of breath, because you’re lacking cardio conditioning, or are you slowing down because your muscles are fatigued, tired, and sore?
I would bet the majority of you are slowing down because your muscles are fatigued. Keep reading to learn about the four areas you need to address in your training to become faster, by training less. Continue reading
Need A Superhuman Training Plan?
If you need a budget-friendly alternative to coaching and want a pre-written plan, then we’ve got great news for you!
Our team of Superhuman Certified Coaches have all been through Ben Greenfield’s mentorship program to become experts in all things related to performance, fat loss, digestion, brain, sleep, recovery and hormone optimization…
…and now they’re creating training plans for YOU! Here are just a few of the plans available when you click here to visit the Superhuman store on TrainingPeaks:
– 10 WK Cycling Strength & Injury Prevention, Mountain Bike, Road Racing, Xterra
-10 Wk Strength & Injury Prevention Plan for runners 5K, 10K, Marathon
-5K to 10K Beginner Mud Run With Weight Loss Focus
-Fatman To Ironman! Increase Testosterone & Lose Weight Beginner Sprint Triathlon
-Superhuman Olympic Triathlon 12 week Plan
-Superhuman Sprint Triathlon 12 week plan
-Tough Mudder, Spartan Race Training Plan
-Superhuman XTERRA Sprint 12 week plan
And more plans to come! Have a custom request for a plan you’d like to see? Leave your comments below and our coaches will get to work on something for you.
Finally, if you’d like to request a coach to work with you personally, just click here to complete our simple Coach Request Form.
The Night Shift Worker’s Guide to Superhuman Eating
As discussed in this 3 part series, The Night Shift Worker’s Guide to Being Superhuman, night shift workers face more challenges than day shift workers when it comes to maintaining their health. As with Sleeping, discussed in the first article, eating properly also presents many challenges to night shift workers. The following recommendations can help you make good food choices and overcome the challenges of eating well while working the night shift. Continue reading
The Night Shift Worker’s Guide to Superhuman Sleeping
Having worked 12 hour shifts as a night shift worker for over 4 years, I can attest to the fact that it is very hard to be superhuman while working the night shift. If you aren’t getting any sleep, and aren’t eating well, you can’t be superhuman. In this series of 3 articles, I’ll help you overcome the challenges of being a night shift worker. Keep reading to learn how a night shift worker can start to become superhuman by improving his or her sleep habits. Continue reading
Achieve Your Goals with Visualization and Focus
Most athletes spend thousands of dollars on equipment and training for an Ironman. Many fancy gadgets are purchased, nutrition tips and tricks are implemented, and much time is spent training for the event. However, two extremely important components of any training program that are often overlooked are visualization and focus.
When it pertains to endurance training and racing, I have athletes focus on two parts of visualization – crossing the finish line, and being strong on the hills or running strong with perfect form. These are two very important points of visualization to have during a race. You see, your mind is a VERY powerful tool. Keep reading to learn how visualization and focus can help you reach your goals. Continue reading
Certified Superhuman Coaches Endorsed by Ben Greenfield & 100% Equipped to Make You Superhuman.
We’re pleased to announce and endorse seven newly certified Superhuman Coaches.
These members of the Superhuman Coach Network are members of Ben Greenfield’s mentorship program, have completed advanced exams for all Superhuman modules, including Performance, Fat Loss, Digestion, Recovery, Brain, Sleep and Hormones.
The following individuals are very smart, very qualified, and able to help anyone on the face of the planet achieve Superhuman status and achieve their fitness, nutrition and lifestyle goals quickly and safely.