Secrets of the Superhuman Food Pyramid: Benefits of Filtered Water

Welcome to the drinks section of the Superhuman Food Pyramid. In this series, we will explore the variety of drinks available to us, as well as their effect on our health. Today’s article will focus on the wholesome benefits of filtered water and some recommendations on how to maximize its use.

You probably are already aware that your body is made up chiefly of water. It goes without saying that the quality of water you consume on a regular basis has a profound impact on your overall health and wellness. Filtered water, just as its name implies, is water that’s been subjected through a variety of water filtration media for purposes of decontamination. Filtered water isn’t only free of contaminants, like sediments and potentially pathogenic microorganisms, but it is also devoid of noxious metals and chemicals that are commonly found in tap water, and even in some bottled water brands.

Read further and discover more about the benefits of filtered water and why the Superhuman Food Pyramid recommends it to help in your quest to Become Superhuman.

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Secrets of the Superhuman Food Pyramid: Negative Effects of Commercial Flax Oil

Commercial flax oil has become quite popular among health enthusiasts. But unlike cold press flax oil, the overall production practices, from farming of its raw material flax, to the subsequent extraction of the seeds’ edible oil, and even to the packaging methods used, all contribute to commercial flax oil’s unhealthy profile.

Read further and discover more about the negative effects of commercial flax oil and why the Superhuman Food Pyramid recommends you avoid this source of dietary fats.

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Secrets of the Superhuman Food Pyramid: Negative Effects of Regular Ice Cream

Regular ice cream is one of America’s most favored sweet treats. This product is so widely available that it’s sold even in school cafeterias where children can readily purchase it. We’ve long been eating regular ice cream making it sometimes difficult to grasp the idea that continued consumption of this product actually has profound undesirable effects to the body.

Read further and discover more about the negative effects of regular ice cream and why the Superhuman Food Pyramid recommends you avoid this source of dietary fats.

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Secrets of the Superhuman Food Pyramid: Negative Effects of Milk Chocolate

Much like regular ice cream, milk chocolate, too, is one of the most loved American dessert treats. But quite unlike dark chocolate, milk chocolate contains ingredients that make it an unhealthy food choice. Though easier to find and certainly much cheaper than its healthier dark chocolate counterpart, milk chocolate should be avoided if you want to reach your health and wellness goals.

Read further and discover more about the negative effects of milk chocolate and why the Superhuman Food Pyramid recommends you avoid this source of dietary fats.

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Secrets of the Superhuman Food Pyramid: Negative Effects of Soy Ice Cream

When soy ice cream first became available in the market, vegetarians and diet-conscious individuals were the first ones to rejoice. After all, there’s this protein-rich treat that is for once not from an animal source and that can satisfy cravings for sweets. But just as with other soy beans-derived products like tofu and soy protein powder, soy ice cream too has undesirable effects to human health.

Read further and discover more about the negative effects of soy ice cream and why the Superhuman Food Pyramid recommends you avoid this source of dietary fats.

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Secrets of the Superhuman Food Pyramid: Negative Effects of Cottonseed Oil

Cottonseed oil is one of the cheapest edible oils in the United States right now making it a favored ingredient in processed food products like breads, cereals, crackers, cookies, commercial salad dressings, and margarine. Extracted from the seeds of the cotton plant, cottonseed oil did not find any utility as an edible oil until the mid-1800s when the United States started exporting it to Europe, which at that time had difficulty sourcing edible oils due to ongoing wars. Since then, cottonseed oil, because of its very cheap price, was used illegally in the US as a filler in commercially sold animal fats and lard. It was even blended in olive oil, prompting Italy to ban American olive oil imports in 1883.

In the early 1900s, a special hydrogenation process was developed which enabled the production of cottonseed oil that stays solid in storage temperatures. This new product, which closely resembles lard, was then aggressively marketed as a healthy oil for cooking. To this day, the same claim is maintained about this edible oil. However, cottonseed oil consumption brings about unwanted health effects which is why it would be prudent to rule it out of your diet altogether.

Read further and discover more about the negative effects of cottonseed oil and why the Superhuman Food Pyramid recommends you avoid this source of dietary fats.

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Secrets of the Superhuman Food Pyramid: Negative Effects of Commercial Salad Dressings

Commercial salad dressings are a staple in American pantries. This comes as no surprise as its being readily available in the market makes eating fresh salad vegetables convenient and even delightful. However, once you get to know the smorgasbord of chemical additives and preservatives these mass produced products contain, you’ll definitely want to rule them out of your diet for good.

Read further and discover more about the negative effects of commercial salad dressings and why the Superhuman Food Pyramid recommends you avoid this source of dietary fats.

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Secrets of the Superhuman Food Pyramid: Negative Effects of Farmed Fish

Farm fishing’s roots can be traced back to the early 1700s when a German farmer was able to effectively gather, fertilize, hatch, and grow fish from mere eggs. Since then, the method has been replicated around the world in countries like Japan, the United States, Canada, Chile, and Norway, to name a few. The practice entails raising fish in large tanks situated inland or in enclosures or nets in shorelines and even in the open ocean. Though this method appears sustainable at first glance, it in fact has manifold negative effects which is why we recommend that you steer clear of farmed fish at all costs.

Read further and discover more about the negative effects of farmed fish and why the Superhuman Food Pyramid recommends you avoid this source of dietary fats.

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Secrets of the Superhuman Food Pyramid: Pros and Cons of Dark Chocolate

Chocolate is not something that comes to mind when one thinks about superhuman food. After all, chocolate is a commercially processed sweet treat laden with chemical additives and preservatives. It is crucial to note though that not all chocolates are created equal, and dark chocolate is one of the healthier versions of this beloved dessert item. No doubt a healthy addition to your diet, there are some downsides to dark chocolate that are worth mentioning though.

Read further and discover more about the pros and cons of dark chocolate and why the Superhuman Food Pyramid recommends moderate use of this source of dietary fats.

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Secrets of the Superhuman Food Pyramid: Pros and Cons of Coconut Ice Cream

Coconut ice cream is just as its name implies, a frozen treat made with coconut milk instead of the usual cow’s milk. Fast becoming a favorite among wellness enthusiasts, coconut milk has its downsides, too, which is why reasonable consumption of this product would be prudent.

Read further and discover more about the pros and cons of coconut ice cream and why the Superhuman Food Pyramid recommends moderate use of this source of dietary fats.

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